


What are these insects doing there?

Let's explore insects-plants interactions in Hamburg

– Uhr

Flora und Fauna

Merkzettel:   Event XC6E1 merken

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Did you already hear the affirmation that 'The world is green'? Imagine then that the world is a huge banquet for herbivorious insects, that is, those ones that feed on plants, such as leaves, flowers, and roots parts, mainly at the larval stadium. Some of them feed outside plants parts, while other feed inside plants parts. Plants parts are also nursery for some insects because they deposit their eggs there, using them as substract. So, understand insect-plant interactions is essential to see and understand this wonderful world, in all its shades of green.

Treffpunkt: Niendorfer Gehege, Revierförsterei Niendorfer Gehege, 22453 Hamburg

Anfahrt: U2: Niendorfer Markt Bus 5, 23, 391: Haltestelle Vogt-Cordes-Damm Bus 181: Haltestelle Niendorfer Ge

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Veranstalter*in: Museum der Natur Hamburg Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels (LIB)

Leitung: Dr. Karina Lucas Silva-Brandao


Altersempfehlung: 6–99

Ausrüstung empfohlen: Fernglas, Festes Schuhwerk, Regenkleidung

Kosten für Erwachsene: kostenlos

Kosten für Kinder: kostenlos 

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